D r m f s l t d 手號. Members 300 session non members 380. T是telephone 2113 f是family phone m是mobile phone 拓 展资 料 电话 旧译德律风 5261 是 一种 可以传送与接收声音 的远 程 4102 通信设备 早在十 八世 纪 1653 欧洲已有 电话 一词 用来指用线串成的话筒 以线串起杯子 电话的出现要归功于亚历山大. Testimonial at mrdfs the entire team there at m r d f s were outstanding so helpful and we could not ask for a better service outstanding customer service jone smith.
Cantonese with english terminology registration fee. Conference hall 4 f hkpc building 78 tat chee avenue kowloon hong kong 香港九龍達之路78號 生產力大樓四樓 會議廳 language.